I attended the Steelhead festival at Lake Sonoma on 8-Feb-25. Here's the latest on the Golden mussel impacts on a few of our local lakes:
Clearlake, Lake Sonoma, Lake Mendecino: All have dogs trained to sniff out Golden mussels. So the procedure to launch is to have your vessel inspected, same as with the Quagga and Zebra mussels. So, basically no change to the procedure. Clearlake only has the dogs available on tournaments, so enforcement seems more spotty, but there are no other restrictions (currently). Green bands may be offered upon exit in the future (see Berryessa below).
Lake Berryessa: You can either have your boat inspected, then receive a red band which begins a 30 day quarantine period. After the quarantine is complete, you can launch. Other alternative is to get a 120F power wash. The power washings are available by appointment only and only done at two sites: Steele Canyon and Markley Cove. The water district plans to have more sites around the lake with power washing capability. The procedure takes around 45 minutes. After exiting the lake, get a green band which will enable faster re-entry. If you launch anywhere else, the process has to be restarted again.
San Pablo: No private boats.
Lake Hennessey: Closed to boating